Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The different frisbee flicks

The common flick to learn first is the back hand. Like tennis a back hand requires the arm to cross the body before releasing the Frisbee. It is the easiest to master which is why it is common to see individuals who have never played before, only able to throw back hand. The

The next Frisbee flick to learn is the fore arm flick. The technique of this flick is extremely hard to master because your fingers must be able to release the Frisbee with your index finger as it is spinning. This flick is generally good for short distances and cam be very accurate if it is mastered correctly.

Once you have learned the previous 2 you can tryout more difficult flicks that are not as necessary to play in an ultimate game. One of these flicks is the Hammer, where your are is held up vertical to your body and you through the Frisbee over your head at a slight angle so that as the Frisbee begins to descend it balances out to a horizontal position, making it possible to catch.

Another trick flick that is great for curving the Frisbee around a guarding defender is the Thumber. In this flick the Frisbee is released from the thumb.

To learn more about how to master these different techniques, you can go to ehow 
                                          example of a forearm__photo by flickr
-wolfpack (sammy)


  1. This post was very informative, for beginners who are just starting the sport. I liked how you posted a link to ehow, because that website has very good instructions.


  2. Nice post. There's a link. Now I can go learn how to throw a frisbee.

  3. This post was very cool, a lot of people don't know that ultimate needs a lot of skill. This is awesome. To further develop the article, you could also tell people how to throw it.

    By chopsticks freak
