Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A day of paintballing photo essay

OH a gun battle, this will end well

even drills to make u better leave u gogged

and eddie trying to knee slide behind a very, very small piece of cover... ill let anyone on my team.... no seriously :p

fun for all ages

This guy, is soooo AGG (fashionable while playing paintball)

A little point of view

And who is this skilled young player.....

Shooting with The left hand, an important skill

always fun to get shot in the face

This has been PB SAMURAI playing paintball folks


  1. This is really cool. Now I wanna play paintball!

    ~ SkyeBlue

  2. This is a good photo gallery but the comments make you seem Narcissistic, but otherwise great article.

  3. The post above was by chopsticks freak

  4. So this is why Blake wasnt at school.....

  5. this was over the weekend guys, but yes i posted this WHEN I WAS SICK, so yea a little narcissistic i was in a bad mood :p

  6. These are some pretty awesome pictures! Maybe your next post could be about the best places to play paintball.

