Tuesday, October 25, 2011

styrofoam plate ping pong

As you may know, the ping pong paddles are locked up in a file cabinet right next to the pool tables inside of the cafeteria. For some reason the cabinet is always locked now and there is no schedule of when it is opened and students do not know why they keep it locked. After all they are there for us to use, not to collect dust inside of a locked file cabinet. So like LASA students that we are, we thought creatively on how to still play. Several students have tried playing with hands or lunch boxes but the new genius idea is Styrofoam plates. Just recently, students go to the lunch line, steel the plates and then use them as paddles, and surprisingly they work pretty well. In fact they are easier to handle than a regular paddle. Some students like to stack up several plates so that they are stronger, allowing them to whip them through the air without them breaking. I personally just use one because its lighter. These plates are still not as good overall but who can complain, they do get the job done and it is much more funny to watch let alone play. If you would like to purchase your own plates rather than buying expensive paddles, go to this link

                                                     photo by flicker

-wolfpack (sammy) 


  1. Awesome post, I have noticed during lunch that people have been playing with plates. You should also write about the use to Water bottles.

    -Nepali Boy

  2. This post is very informative, but once again, THERE ARE MANY SPELLING AND GRAMMAR ERRORS. I believe that you meant "steal" instead of "steel" on line 6, and you forgot an apostrophe in "its". You are also missing a few commas, and a period at the end of the last sentence.
