Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A day of paintballing photo essay

OH a gun battle, this will end well

even drills to make u better leave u gogged

and eddie trying to knee slide behind a very, very small piece of cover... ill let anyone on my team.... no seriously :p

fun for all ages

This guy, is soooo AGG (fashionable while playing paintball)

A little point of view

And who is this skilled young player.....

Shooting with The left hand, an important skill

always fun to get shot in the face

This has been PB SAMURAI playing paintball folks

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

styrofoam plate ping pong

As you may know, the ping pong paddles are locked up in a file cabinet right next to the pool tables inside of the cafeteria. For some reason the cabinet is always locked now and there is no schedule of when it is opened and students do not know why they keep it locked. After all they are there for us to use, not to collect dust inside of a locked file cabinet. So like LASA students that we are, we thought creatively on how to still play. Several students have tried playing with hands or lunch boxes but the new genius idea is Styrofoam plates. Just recently, students go to the lunch line, steel the plates and then use them as paddles, and surprisingly they work pretty well. In fact they are easier to handle than a regular paddle. Some students like to stack up several plates so that they are stronger, allowing them to whip them through the air without them breaking. I personally just use one because its lighter. These plates are still not as good overall but who can complain, they do get the job done and it is much more funny to watch let alone play. If you would like to purchase your own plates rather than buying expensive paddles, go to this link

                                                     photo by flicker

-wolfpack (sammy) 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Formula one accident

Hi here bringing bad news on Sunday 16,2011Dan Wheldon had a bad accident in a fiery crash in Las Vegas he was one of Britain's most successful race car driver and one of the few foreign drivers who made it big in the United States he was involve in a 15 car crash were his car bursts in flames when he hit the wall at a very high speed he was taken to the hospital in helicopter two hours later we found out he had died.
- J-man

So guys this is my first time playing with my new team, over at OUTLAW paintball. The LASA paintball team is underway; we plan on practicing at OUTLAW and EXTREME paintball based out of Austin Texas. Our uniforms are coming in today; both founding members have Empire Invert Mini markers, Empire Invert Jerseys, Valken fate pants, and Proto Switch Masks. If you are interested in joining come to OUTLAW paintball this Saturday. You don’t have to have any tournament experience but preferably you have your own equipment if you with to join the team, if not, come out and experience this awesome sport and have a great time. We plan on playing in the NCPA circuit high school division in the early spring/late winter. Come on guys we need more members, if you are in gun club you will probably like paintball. So lets band together and unleash the fury of the jaguars out on the paintball field. If you’re looking to get started I would suggest looking at the Invert MINI if you want to join our team and play tournaments, otherwise I would look at package deals with a high pressure air tank and motorized loader, two essentials if you want to be taken seriously as a paintballer. So lets go guys lets take the jaguars to the top of the paintball world.


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

SPIKE ball

                                                                 spike ball set___photo credit flickr

     Spike ball is a game of similar to volleyball and is played two versus two. The object is to hit the little yellow ball hard enough at the net or at a difficult angle so that you opponents cant get to the ball and spike back at the net themselves. Each team has 3 touches passes to each other, before they have to spike it. If the ball its the rim of the hula hoop sized rim, then the play is redone. When a team first starts to serve the ball is spiked against the net to the opponents. the opponents may continually call redos if they decide that they did not like the serve. There are often allot of redos when there is a lot of wind (the ball is very light so wind is very effective.) Which is why you would want to play when there isn't wind and preferably on sand or some other soft surface like grass, because the game can reach an intense level of diving and jumping for the ball.
For more information about the extreme game of spike ball, you can go to the spike ball website or talk to people that play during lunch.

-wolfpack (sammy)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Joining a Paintball Team?

Ok guys so you know I’m quite into paintball, and I am ready to step it up to the next level. I’m looking to join a team here in Austin TX, probably either ATX AGGRESSION who’s home field is over at outlaw up north, or starting a paintball team here at LASA with some friends. NCPA league events are available and I think I would love to do this, the trick is finding that one last person to round out the team. This is a call to action if you or anyone you know is interested in tournament paintball send them to talk to EDDIE or BLAKE. We need one more person to have a complete team and compete in the tournaments in central Texas. Preferably you have your own gun…. But if you don’t I have a loaner. So guys what do you know? You’ve heard about my autococker, what paintball is, and why it’s awesome…. Are you ready to come out and play with us?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

recreational soccer ref

no experience is necessary for becoming a referee. The first thing you want to do, is find the schedule for reffing clinics that will teach all the information that is necessary for becoming certified. sometimes you can do it in just one weekend if you do a 8 hour long clinic secession. The clinic fee will generally be 30 dollars. At the end of the instructional course, you take an easy multiple choice, true or false exam. A minimum of 75% is needed to pass the course. Once you have completed the certification process, you must register as a referee through STSR (south Texas soccer referees). The fee for registering will be 50 dollars, but don't worry because you will be making it all back very soon. Each game can get you up to 15 dollars, that's a pretty good deal in my opinion. After you have finished registering an you are ready to get some games, just contact your local assignor and you'll be reffing before you know it. I plan on getting certified myself once winter break comes around, so you should think about it as well. I think it might help a lot though, if you already play soccer. for more about becoming a recreational soccer ref, go to the STSR site

                                                USA soccer referee badge_________ credit: flickr
-wolfpack (sammy)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The different frisbee flicks

The common flick to learn first is the back hand. Like tennis a back hand requires the arm to cross the body before releasing the Frisbee. It is the easiest to master which is why it is common to see individuals who have never played before, only able to throw back hand. The

The next Frisbee flick to learn is the fore arm flick. The technique of this flick is extremely hard to master because your fingers must be able to release the Frisbee with your index finger as it is spinning. This flick is generally good for short distances and cam be very accurate if it is mastered correctly.

Once you have learned the previous 2 you can tryout more difficult flicks that are not as necessary to play in an ultimate game. One of these flicks is the Hammer, where your are is held up vertical to your body and you through the Frisbee over your head at a slight angle so that as the Frisbee begins to descend it balances out to a horizontal position, making it possible to catch.

Another trick flick that is great for curving the Frisbee around a guarding defender is the Thumber. In this flick the Frisbee is released from the thumb.

To learn more about how to master these different techniques, you can go to ehow 
                                          example of a forearm__photo by flickr
-wolfpack (sammy)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

These are my leads

Contrast and Compare
Just a few decades ago an activity was created involving the throwing of a disc by a bunch of hippie college kids. Today this activity is a game of intense endurance, jumping, diving and strategy that is played at highly competitive levels by clubs, high schools, and colleges around the nation. This sport is known as ultimate Frisbee  and has gained a national organization (USA ultimate). Ultimate Frisbee should be accepted as a NCAA sport.
Can you run and sprint non stop for at least a hour, flick a Frisbee 70 yards, or catch a disc while diving through air. You probably can if you play the sport of ultimate. This goes to show that it is a sport of skill that only a handful of people can do so why isn't it recognised as a professional sport let alone part of the NCAA. Ultimate Frisbee should be accepted as a NCAA sport.
It’s 90 degrees out and there are a couple of teens running around on a field throwing around some white colored disc. Sweat is dripping from the faces of these kids as they run to cover someone, to get open, or rapidly move side to side to block the release of the disc. This scenery is the act of playing a sport known as ultimate Frisbee. Ultimate Frisbee should be accepted as a NCAA sport.

-wolfpack (sammy)

Getting into Autocockers

Ok so I've been playing paintball for about two years now and I'm looking to branch out from electropneumatics. For those of you that don't know in the early to mid 90's a man named Bud Orr came out with a mechanical paintball gun that would rival the newer "electro's" for years to come. The name of this gun was the autococker, effectively what it does differently is the bolt system. So the bolt on newer guns goes back and forward when you pull the trigger, not true for autocockers after you pull the trigger the bolt travels forward propelling the paintball out of the breach into the barrel, re-cocks automatically through a very fancy pneumatics system at the front of the gun and stays cocked until lthr process needs to be repeated. If this process sounds complicated.... It is. Autocockers are not for the faint hearted I am hesitant to take mine apart for the first time, however from what I've heard these were from the hay-day of paintball. I want to pay my respects to that. I will still have my MINI and my SYNERGY but this will definitely be my fun-gun for playing with newer or recreation players. Wish me the best of luck in my endeavour and I will report back when the mail gets here.... eventually....

--picture of the pneumatic recocking system
phtoto credit


Hey guy's check out these leads, let me know which one's you like

1) You have prepared for hours on end for this tournament, put thousands of dollars into the preparation. You do everything right you get a good night’s sleep, eat a good breakfast and head out to the field for the tourney. Once the game starts you sprint to your bunker and get striped by a stream of paintballs that just happened to be right where you were running. There was no skill involved, just a lucky guess on where you were going. Anyone can pull a trigger a few times a second and admire a pretty stream of colors coming from the barrel of his marker, ramping does not equal skill.

2) What would happen if the NFL and CFL merged, would you have three or four downs? Measure in yards or meters? Pay in Canadian or American dollars? These questions illustrate that these leagues play the same sport at its core, but also they have fundamental differences within the rules of their own league. This is what would happen if we tried to merge the PSP and NPPL leagues of paintball, true comopromise is when both parties leave equally dissatisfied.

3) If you’re one of the 15 million paintball players that have experienced a PSP type event and an NPPL type event, you know they are fundamentally different. Which is why they should not form one massive super-league.